Review of documented digitizers
18. February, 2020

Problem areas in the floodplain of the Rába and the Vörös Creek

The Rába section at Ivánc is extremely problematic in terms of flood protection. The survey chart here explains this: you can see that the Rába is in a river bed that is about two meters higher than the Vörös Creek. A few kilometers further down, it actually merges into the deeper section, and from there…
17. February, 2020

Prohibiting the opening of a private school in Bögöte

Ervin Batthyány, an aristocrat of Vas County who was sympathetic to the ideology of anarchism, made an attempt to implement socialist principles and founded a school at his own expense. The administration and the Catholic Church tried to block the initiative by all possible means. The school could only operate for a few years.
11. February, 2020

Protocol on the property of Countess Zichy, 1945-1946

The history of the Beltinci Castle is linked to several noble families. The last of them was the Zichy family, led by Mária Ifigénia Zichy. At the time of the liberation of the Prekmurje, when the Countess was no longer in the castle, many objects and works of art were stealed. On December 17, 1945,…
13. February, 2020

Ragam controversam inter Possessionem Győrvár et Bona Venerabilis Capituli Sabariensis de Castro Ferreo repraesentans

The territorial base unit of medieval agriculture was the rotation (‘nyomás’). The plots were scattered around the settlement in several different patches. Consolidation is the process in which farmers' scattered plots of small pieces are merged and each owner receives his land as one contiguous area. The consolidation began after the enactment of the laws…
11. February, 2020

Raising the Hungarian flag in Lendava

In 1941, when the Hungarians re-occupied the Prekmurje, in many places the Hungarian flag was raised, symbolizing the annexation of the Prekmurje to Hungary. The photo was taken at the ceremony on August 20, 1942, at the solemn consecration of the Hungarian flag. The celebration was on August 20, St. Stephen's Day, which is one…
11. February, 2020

Remembrance of the military service during the First World War

Military souvenirs, the kind that made possible to affix their military photos, were popular among the soldiers. During World War I, their popularity continued to grow; they were made of different materials and shapes, with captions, pictures. They were available in bookstores and shops. What they had in common was that the soldiers could stick…
11. February, 2020

Renaming the Dolnja Lendava District Umbrella Factory to Štefan Kovač National Hero Lendava Umbrella Factory

The Lendava Umbrella Factory was officially established on September 27, 1904 from Béla Wortman's sewing company under the name “Hungária Hazai Ernyőgyár”, the first umbrella factory of the Monarchy. At the end of the war, the factory was renamed to Ernyőgyár (Umbrella Factory). During WWII, it regained its original name. Towards the end of the…
11. February, 2020

Renovation of the Lutheran church in Puconci, designed by László Takáts

The first Lutheran congregation was established in Puconci in 1783, after the Patent of toleration of 1781. The church in Puconci was already consecrated in 1784. In 1855/56 the church was renovated and a new altar, gallery, pulpit and organ were added. In 1908, László Takáts, an architect from the Prekmurje Region, who also led…
11. February, 2020

Report on children’s religious education and spiritual exercises in the 1933/34 school year

The Gerlinci School was founded in 1899. Initially, it had one class, later another one was added. Education was first conducted in Hungarian, then, after 1921, in Slovene, then, during the Second World War, partly in Hungarian and partly in Prekmurje dialect. In the 1960s, the school became a branch of the Cankova Elementary School,…
11. February, 2020

Report on children’s religious education and spiritual exercises in the 1933/34 school year

Education began in Krog in 1853, when the branch school of the Murska Sobota church was opened in the village. An independent elementary school was established in 1897, operating for more than a half a century. In 1961, the school became a branch of the Bakovci Primary School. In the 1970/71 school year it was…
11. February, 2020

Road and house near Hotiza

Hotiza was first mentioned in 1389. In 1524 the place was mentioned as Hothyza. Until 1644 it belonged to the Bánffy family estates. After the family line ended, it became the property of the Nádasdy family, who, together with other estates, sold the village to the Eszterházy family in 1690. During the war of 1848-1849,…
17. February, 2020

Senyeháza settlement village seal (typarium)

The use of the seals of the settlements was regulated by the Act XVIII of 1871 on the settlements governance. When the law was enacted, the sub-prefect offices collected all the old typariums and placed them for preservation in the county archives. On these seals the settlements displayed their old, almost forgotten symbols
18. February, 2020

Seregélyháza settlement village seal (typarium)

The use of the seals of the settlements was regulated by the Act XVIII of 1871 on the settlements governance. When the law was enacted, the sub-prefect offices collected all the old typariums and placed them for preservation in the county archives. On these seals the settlements displayed their old, almost forgotten symbols.
11. February, 2020

Statement by Gábriel Kövér, who was the chairman of the Heritage Management Committee of Count Ferenc Nádasdy, on citizens of Zalaegerszeg, Turnišče and Dobronak

Count Ferenc Nádasdy III (1623-1671) was a member of one of the most prominent Hungarian aristocratic families. He entered history as the leader of a conspiracy against the Habsburg Emperor Leopold I. The plot was discovered and he was sentenced to death: on April 30, 1671, he was beheaded in Vienna. Until his death he…
11. February, 2020

Students from grades 2 and 3 of Križevci Primary School in the 1926/27 school year

Education began in 1784, the first instructor being Štefan Szijárto. In 1889 the Lutheran congregation built a new school building. In 1872, the district had 305 school-age children. During the WWI, education was discontinued, restarting only in December 1920. In 1922 it was a four-grade school and its district became smaller. In 1929, the religious…
11. March, 2020

Survey on the financial and personal condition of the Lutheran Public school in Őrimagyarosd

In 1942, the Vas County Superintendent of Schools ordered a general survey, according to which the heads of primary schools had to report the number of staff and students, their religious denomination, mother tongue, etc., as well as the legal, technical status of the building, and any measures deemed necessary. The ministry of education planned…
26. February, 2020

Survey on the financial and personal condition of the Lutheran Public school in Szarvaskend

In 1942, the Vas County Superintendent of Schools ordered a general survey, according to which the heads of primary schools had to report the number of staff and students, their religious denomination, mother tongue, etc., as well as the legal, technical status of the building, and any measures deemed necessary. The ministry of education planned…
5. May, 2020

Survey on the financial and personal condition of the Good Shepherd’s House Institute Roman Catholic School for Girls in Ikervár

In 1942, the Vas County Superintendent of Schools ordered a general survey, according to which the heads of primary schools had to report the number of staff and students, their religious denomination, mother tongue, etc., as well as the legal, technical status of the building, and any measures deemed necessary. The ministry of education planned…
24. February, 2020

Survey on the financial and personal condition of the Hungarian Rolyal Elementary School in

In 1942, the Vas County Superintendent of Schools ordered a general survey, according to which the heads of primary schools had to report the number of staff and students, their religious denomination, mother tongue, etc., as well as the legal, technical status of the building, and any measures deemed necessary. The ministry of education planned…
2. March, 2020

Survey on the financial and personal condition of the Lutheran Catholic Public School in

In 1942, the Vas County Superintendent of Schools ordered a general survey, according to which the heads of primary schools had to report the number of staff and students, their religious denomination, mother tongue, etc., as well as the legal, technical status of the building, and any measures deemed necessary. The ministry of education planned…