Review of documented digitizers
11. February, 2020

Danijel Halas with the participants of the cooking course

Danijel Halas was the first pastor of Velika Polana. He was considered an enthusiastic and wise priest. As leader of the Society of Mary he encouraged the worship of Jesus' Heart, and read periodicals from Hungary. He was also the editor and author of the papers Novine and Marijin list. His writing entitled Pšenično zrno…
17. February, 2020

Dávidháza settlement village seal

The use of the seals of the settlements was regulated by the Act XVIII of 1871 on the settlements governance. When the law was enacted, the sub-prefect offices collected all the old typariums and placed them for preservation in the county archives. On these seals the settlements displayed their old, almost forgotten symbols.
11. February, 2020

Death of Štefan Kühar, a Prekmurje folklore collector from Bratonci – death certificate

Štefan Kühar was born on July 29, 1882 in Bratonci. He studied in Lendava and Nagykanizsa, then in Szombathely he studied theology, which he had to stop because of his lung disease. He returned to Bratonci, where he collected folk songs and ethnographic materials. He has published in the Novine newspaper, in the Heart of…
11. February, 2020

Death of Štefan Selmar, Pastor and Writer from Kančevci – death certificate

Štefan Selmar (István Szelmár) was a Roman Catholic priest and writer from Prekmurje, born on October 23, 1820 in Grad. He completed his theological studies in Szombathely and was ordained on July 20, 1845. He first served as a chaplain in Črenšovci and Turnišče. From 1860 to 1876 he was the leader of the parish…
18. August, 2020

Death record of Franc Ivanóczy, priest and national awakener

Born as Franc Kodila on August 25, 1857 in Ivanovci. To honor his compatriots, he changed his family name to Ivanóczy. He studied theology in Budapest, became a chaplain in Murska Sobota. In 1885 he received a doctorate in Scripture and Assyriology. From March 1889 until his death he was the parish priest of Tišina.…
11. February, 2020

Decree on the demolition of the Murska Sobota Synagogue

The construction of the Murska Sobota Synagogue began in 1907, the architect being Lipót Baumhorn. It was consecrated on August 31, 1908. According to the Book on the Banat of Drava published in 1939, in 1931 there were 269 Jews living in the Murska Sobota area. Only a few returned to the Prekmurje after the…
11. February, 2020

Description of the Chapel of Csente with floor plan and photograph

Chapels, sacred monuments and crosses, even in larger and smaller settlements, are among the most significant sacral and art historical monuments. The Chapel of Csente in the Lendava parish was dedicated to the birth of Mary. The neo-baroque chapel with its bell tower and highly articulated façade was built in 1938. Its floor plan is…
19. February, 2020

Design of the Queen Elizabeth Memorial Park

After the death of Queen Elizabeth, Hungary was the country where the cult of Elizabeth became the strongest. On November 19, 1898, Ignác Darányi, Minister of Agriculture, encouraged the planting of “Queen Elizabeth Memorial Trees”: “Elizabeth was an admirer of the beauties of nature, her memory must be proclaimed by millions of trees.” Nádasd village…
11. February, 2020

Designs for a new public elementary school in Gerlinci

In Gerlinci, the State Public Elementary School was opened on September 1, 1899. Previously, children from Gerlinci went to school in Fikšinci, Pertoci, Cankova and Klöch (Austria). The classes were first held at private houses. Designing the new school building began in 1907, and the school was officially opened on September 1, 1910. The new…
24. February, 2020

Designs of the church tower helmet of Répceszentgyörgy

In 1734 János Horváth Szentgyörgyi renovated the church in Répceszentgyörgy. The family archives have kept some blueprints of this construction. The plan presented here shows suggestions for the shape of the spire, which are typically Baroque. The church has been renovated several times since then, today its tower has a completely different shape.
11. February, 2020

Dictionary of Prekmurje idioms, words and geographical names

In May 1920, Gašper Lipovšek was appointed civil commissioner of the Prekmurje. In June 1921, after the creation of the Murska Sobota District Governor's Office, he became the first District Governor and later the District Commander. In his bequest, a booklet with local idioms, words and geographical names was found. For some words, even a…
11. February, 2020

Dissemination of propaganda leaflets around Murska Sobota for annexing Prekmurje to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

In November 1918, Rudolf Maister's army confiscated several aircraft. Emil Grizold (in the picture) became the commander of the first airborne squadron in Maribor on November 25. The planes flew over Carinthia and Styria. On March 5, 1919, pilots Grizold and Ludvik Jureš carried with them propaganda leaflets printed in Maribor, propagating the annexation of…
19. February, 2020

Donation of Count Péter Széchi to Ferenc Tulok

Péter Széchi, the last male member of the famous Széchi family in Lendava and Rimaszécs, died in October 1684 in Vienna. In order to paying off his debts, and in return for the loyalty of his servants, his last orders practically distributed a substantial portion of his wealth. Antal Ferenc Tulok became one of the…
3. May, 2020

Drawing the border of the two Pöse (Kispöse; Nagypöse; Két Pöse) villages

On the order of King Sigismund, on April 10, 1400 - on Tuesday after the Laetare Sunday, the Chapter of Vasvár performed a tour of the border of the two estates of Pöse. When the church was rebuilt in 1905, the people of both villages agreed that the new church of Bishop St. Martin on…
3. May, 2020

Egervölgy foundation letter

The youngest village in Vas county, Egervölgy, was created by a planned settlement. After the Turkish conquest, mainly settlers from Germany were invited to the wooded Hegyhát region for their expertise in the difficult work of breaking the ground. Approximately a half of settlers were German, so the document was drafted in German language.
18. February, 2020

Egervölgy settlement village seal (typarium)

The use of the seals of the settlements was regulated by the Act XVIII of 1871 on the settlements governance. When the law was enacted, the sub-prefect offices collected all the old typariums and placed them for preservation in the county archives. On these seals the settlements displayed their old, almost forgotten symbols.
19. February, 2020

Exemptions for serfs

The landlord had no other choice to give his serfs concessions if he had not want them to be seduced by his neighbor landlord (namely John Choron). Although the retaliatory laws of 1514 raised difficulties to free movement, they did not rendered it impossible. The serfs took advantage of the labor shortage and, in exchange…
18. February, 2020

Felsőcsatár settlement village seal (typarium)

The use of the seals of the settlements was regulated by the Act XVIII of 1871 on the settlements governance. When the law was enacted, the sub-prefect offices collected all the old typariums and placed them for preservation in the county archives. On these seals the settlements displayed their old, almost forgotten symbols.
18. February, 2020

Felsőlendva (Grad; Ober-Limbach) settlement village seal (typarium)

The use of the seals of the settlements was regulated by the Act XVIII of 1871 on the settlements governance. When the law was enacted, the sub-prefect offices collected all the old typariums and placed them for preservation in the county archives. On these seals the settlements displayed their old, almost forgotten symbols.
11. February, 2020

Franz Sočič’s mill on the Dolenski Stream

Franc Sočič (Ferenc Szocics) from Veliki Dolenci, was the owner of a mill located on Dolenski Creek. The mill is shown on the sketch so its location can be accurately determined. The mill's permit includes the mill's specifications, sluices, and a detailed description of the mill's operation.