Archive Material

Raising the Hungarian flag in Lendava


unknown author

1942. 8. 20.


In 1941, when the Hungarians re-occupied the Prekmurje, in many places the Hungarian flag was raised, symbolizing the annexation of the Prekmurje to Hungary. The photo was taken at the ceremony on August 20, 1942, at the solemn consecration of the Hungarian flag. The celebration was on August 20, St. Stephen's Day, which is one of the largest Hungarian national holidays. August 20 is both a public and ecclesiastical holiday in Hungary, the country of the Crown of Saint Stephen. The first Hungarian king, Saint Stephen, was canonized on August 20, 1083.

Information on digitization

Name of site
Other settlement names
1 kos
Place of origin/discovery
Name of institution or personage holding object; identification number of object
Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor Arhivski fond: SI_PAM/1799, Zbirka gradiva mednarodnega arhivskega raziskovalnega tabora, varia
Written sources
Göncz, L., 2006. Felszabadulás vagy megszállás? A Mura mente 1941–1945. Lendava: Magyar Nemzetiségi Művelődési Intézet.
File name
400 x 400 dpi
Restrictions on use
Brez omejitev
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Ksenija Rojht, Gordana Šövegeš Lipovšek

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