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Random selection of objects

21. April, 2020

Wooden grave post

The wooden cross painted in brown probably replaced the original old one. The grave post was removed and was placed behind the tombstone until the grave was restored and the new tombstone was erected in 2011. The wooden cross has a metal plate with the following inscription: Jožef Klekl ml. župnik v Dolencih 1921‒1936 rojen…
4. March, 2020

Earthenware butter churn from Szaknyér

Churn was a traditional tool for making butter at home. During the 20th century, such butter churns were common. In our area, churns with staves were more widespread, but potters also made earthenware churns. The churn from Szaknyér was a wide-bottomed pottery piece made on a potter’s wheel. A funnel-shaped receptacle can be fitted to…

Random selection of archive material

2. March, 2020

Survey on the financial and personal condition of the Roman Catholic Public School in Szentpéterfa

In 1942, the Vas County Superintendent of Schools ordered a general survey, according to which the heads of primary schools had to report the number of staff and students, their religious denomination, mother tongue, etc., as well as the legal, technical status of the building, and any measures deemed necessary. The ministry of education planned…
19. February, 2020

Külső Rákos settlement village seal (typarium)

The use of the seals of the settlements was regulated by the Act XVIII of 1871 on the settlements governance. When the law was enacted, the sub-prefect offices collected all the old typariums and placed them for preservation in the county archives. On these seals the settlements displayed their old, almost forgotten symbols.
2. May, 2020

Municipal data of the 1828 national census. Tissina (Tišina; Csendlak)

The 1828 census corresponds to today 's tax return form. The unit is the head of the taxpayer family. The list contains the number of peasant farms, the size of the cultivated area, the varieties of crops, the different ways and costs of production in each region.

Random selection of built cultural heritage

18. August, 2020

Roman Catholic church of St. Peter and Paul apostles from Szentpéterfa

The 14th-century church was expanded in the 15th century, by adding a nave and a sacristy. The nave has four sections, the sacristy has a polygonal closure, and is stellar-vaulted. On its south side there are two seat cubicles, on the north side there is a richly sectioned tabernacle. The he top-stones of the ribbed…
21. February, 2020

The “Eternal Word” church on Csörötnek

The building has a cross-shaped layout. A copper-clad flat-topped prism-shaped 6x6 meter dome and the windows ensure the lighting. There are bronze plaques on the gate with the names of the 72 books of the Scripture. The church bells are in a separate bell tower. The inside walls depict the stations. Above the entrance is…
18. August, 2020

Beltinci – Castle

The Beltinci Castle stands in the middle of the extensive park. The village was mentioned as early as in 1322, as “Belethfalua”. Beltinci belonged to the Jura family as early as in the 13th century, but not for long, since after 1265, it became the property of the Haholdi landlords from Lendava, who ruled here…
4. March, 2020

A poor peasant homestead from Vönöck

The building, address: Vönöck, Petőfi Sándor u 4, represented the oldest stratum of folk architecture in the Kemenes region. It was disassembled in 1983 and relocated in an open-air museum. The most archaic folk architectural monument of Kemenesalja can be seen today in the Vas County Open Air Museum. It is a two-apartment, building with…

Random selection of intellectual cultural heritage

10. February, 2020

Büjrašvo (dam construction)

Whenever the Mura River flooded, it carried away the mills and the boats, and the river flooded the fields and houses while creating a new bed for itself. These were the times when büjranje (dam repair, dam building) was needed along the river – by reinforcing the river bed, and building dams to withhold the…
20. February, 2020

The origin of the Fekete-tó (Black Lake) in Farkasfa

The Fekete-tó is located at the junction of the settlements Orfalu, Farkasfa and Szalafő. It is not a lake filled with water but a peat bog, a swamp. Its origin is recorded in several versions. At Farkasfa, public lore has it, that church stood in its place. Once, a woman was late for the Christmas…
20. February, 2020

The foal egg of Rátót

The park guard of Rátót finds a gourd on the outskirts of the village. He doesn't know what it is. The wise elders of the village think that it is a dragon egg or foal egg. This is a village-mocking, folk genre. A humorous story about the ignorance of the villagers.
20. February, 2020

Bozsok egg painters

Lajos Merics has been making painted Easter eggs for almost 40 years. Both her daughter and her son-in-law learned the craft. Since 1995, they participate in competitions. Katalin Horváthné Merics was given the title of egg painter folk artist. Blown eggs are decorated with scratched, engraved techniques. They also make pierced eggs. Mrs. Mersics Lajos…

Random selection of personality

18. August, 2020

Štefan Kovač – Marko

Stefan Kovač was born on August 28, 1910 in Nedelica. Before World War II he was the leader of the Slovenian Communist Party in Prekmurje. After the Hungarian occupation of the Prekmurje in April 1941, he became the leader of the Prekmurje Resistance Movement, which was established in 1941 in Prekmurje Region and carried out…
8. April, 2020

Márton Németh

Horticultural engineer Márton Németh, born in Nemesládony, was a distinguished person in the viticulture research in Pécs. His work brought him international fame. The collection of wine grape varieties created by Németh from 1952 was one of the largest and most valuable in the world. He was a committed supporter of vine breeding by clone…
18. August, 2020

Széll József

The Széll family comes from Bucsu. József Széll obtained his law degree in Győr (1820). He was sub-prefect Vasvár County (1842-1848), later the deputy Lord Lieutenant (1867-1871). He was a Member of Parliament in 1848, then between 1865 and 1868. József Széll’s son was Prime Minister Kálmán Széll (1843-1915), and his grandson was József Széll,…
18. August, 2020

Lajos Markovics

Lajos Markovics was a Croatian parish priest, born in Felsőberkifalu in Vas County, a settlement formerly inhabited by Croatians. He was ordained a priest in Szombathely on June 16, 1935. He became a chaplain in Apátistvánfalva, where he served as parish priest until his death, and is buried there. In 1975 he became a titular…

Random selection of audiovisual material

11. February, 2020

Lullaby from Szalafő

They were singing this lullaby when the baby was rocked in a hutch or cradle. A variation of three words (heje, baba, bijja) gives the lyrics of the song. The lullaby was collected in 1972 by Antal Békefi.
3. March, 2020

Folk tale from Kétvölgy

Sojenice (Sojenice) / Fate fairies In the Slovenian Rába Region, fate fairies predict the fate of a child at the birth. Local version of an international motif. (ATU 934)
3. March, 2020

Slovenian folk tale from Felsőszölnök

Stolnjek prestri se (Prtič pogrni se) / Wishing-tablecloth The Rába Region’s Slovenes’ version of the internationally known “Wishing-Table” tale . (ATU 563)