Review of documented digitizers
18. August, 2020

Reformed belfry in Pankasz

Belfries hold and protect the bell. The Reformed belfry in Pankasz stands at the highest point of the eastern part of the village. It was built in 1755. The year of construction of the four-column bell tower can be seen on the eastern buttress of the south-eastern column. Its bell was melted in the First…
21. February, 2020

Reformed church in Bajánsenye

Led by György Nemesnépi Zakál, 1803 the people of Őrség built a 7x4 m oratory (wooden, thatched-roof loghouse, prayer house) and a school. In 1817 theydecided to build a brick temple in place of the burned-down prayer house. The church was dedicated on October 28th, 1821. In 1844, a four-room parsonage was built next to…
18. August, 2020

Roman Catholic Calvary chapel in Sitke

On the outskirts of the village of Sitke, on the Köves hillside surrounding the village, the chapel was built in 1871. Its builders were the owners of the village castle at that time, Sándor Felsőbüki Nagy and his wife, Teréz Weidgang. The chapel was consecrated on February 4, 1872. The small chapel is built in…
21. February, 2020

Roman Catholic church in Bucsu

The St. Michael's Roman Catholic church was built in the 13th century. It was used by the Lutherans in the 17th century, and by the Catholic congregation starting from 1673. The Gothic style was replaced by the Baroque in the 18th century. Its tower is above the entrance. Between 2011 and 2013, the altar, pulpit,…
3. March, 2020

Roman Catholic Church of Nativity of Mary in Lócs

Lócs had a church as early as in the Middle Ages, but not in its present place, but in the old cemetery. The current church was built in 1734 and its tower was built in 1746. In 1901 the building was enlarged. The tower was given its present shape and neo-Roman façade between 1928 and…
18. August, 2020

Roman Catholic church of St. Peter and Paul apostles from Szentpéterfa

The 14th-century church was expanded in the 15th century, by adding a nave and a sacristy. The nave has four sections, the sacristy has a polygonal closure, and is stellar-vaulted. On its south side there are two seat cubicles, on the north side there is a richly sectioned tabernacle. The he top-stones of the ribbed…
18. August, 2020

Romanesque church in Csempeszkopács

It is one of the Hungarian masterpieces of Romanesque rural architecture. Both architectural mass and detailing of the one-nave church are evoking the elements of the Ják church on a smaller scale. On the northern wall of the ship there is István Dorfmeister's Trinity picture in a rococo frame. A wooden statue of St. Michael…
3. March, 2020

Rotunda and residential tower in Nádasd

The 11th-century rotunda features the arched altar carved into the eastern wall, a gate to a residential tower on the north side, and an outer gate to the east. The 11th-century tombs in the bottom of the tower and the 13th-16th-century ones in the front of the altar are the burial places for the Nádasdy…
21. February, 2020

Sándor Weöres – Amy Károlyi Memorial House

Sándor Weöres, the poet spent his childhood in this house. In the year of his death (1989), a memorial room was created in the building. Since 2006, all rooms have exhibitions. His wife, the poetess Any Károlyi's oeuvre is also presented, as well as the couple’s furniture, books, and manuscripts. In the park next to…
24. March, 2020

Schilson (formerly Sigray) Castle from Vassurány

The building was built by Mihály Schilson, and was owned by Counts Zichy, Festetics and Károlyi, among others. It was built in 1723. The U-shaped, freestanding, single-story Baroque-style building has an entrance with a mansard roof featuring two composite-sectioned columnar portals that on the first floor hold an iron-lined balustrade. On the ground floor there…
18. August, 2020

School in Pankasz

The change in building materials’ use in the villages of Őrség began in the late 1800s. Under the influence of Italian brick-burning migrant workers and Styrian craftsmen, brick houses began to appear. The school in Pankasz was one of the first brick buildings in the Őrség. It was built in 1885. Until then, the children…
21. February, 2020

Sigray Castle

The castle was built in Baroque style in the 18th century. Around 1870 it was remodeled in eclectic style, later, around 1920, it was converted to Art Nouveau style. It has been a social welfare home since 1951. The inside has been completely redesigned, with only a few old doors, the library and chapel room…
21. February, 2020

St. Anne’s Church in Farkasfa

The church was built in honor of the 2000-year Christian anniversary and the 1000-year-old Hungarian Christianity, and was designed by architect László Mangliár. Patron saint: St. Anna, St. Stephen. It is a single-nave church, with a gallery, a sanctuary, a sacristy, a confession room, and sanitary unit. The engraved windows depict 20th century “saints”: József…