Review of documented digitizers
18. August, 2020

József Szakovics

He attended high school and seminar in Szombathely. He was ordained a priest on July 2, 1899. From 1909 to 1913 as well as between 1928 and 1930 he was a parish priest in Alsószölnök. He is buried there. He has written articles and edited books in Slovenian dialects of Prekmurje. In 1910, he founded…
21. July, 2020

Kálmán Széll

He studied in Sopron, Szombathely and Budapest. He obtained his doctorate in law in 1866. District administrator, Member of Parliament, he was the 6th Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Hungary (1875-1878) and then the 12th Prime Minister (1899-1903). From 1878 he developed his farm in Rátót into a model farm. His Simmenthal cattle…
18. August, 2020

Kapornaky Gyula

His poems capture the natural beauties of the Őrség, the fate of poor peasants, and the lyrical descriptions of peasant works (eg. Clothes Washers, Reapers, After harvest). His writings were published in rural daily newspapers and thin booklets. His omnibus edition was published in 1984 and 2018. Illustration: work of art from painter Zoltán Pongrácz,…
3. March, 2020

Károly Doncsecz

He was born in Orfalu, and learned the pottery craft in Magyarszombatfa. He was apprentice in Zalaegerszeg, Sümeg and Szentgotthárd. He lived and worked in Kétvölgy (Permise) since 1940. From the 1970s he was the only Slovenian potter in Hungary. His works have been exhibited several times in Hungary and Slovenia. In 1984 he was…
19. May, 2020

Ladislav Danč

Ladislav Danč graduated from the Academy of Fine Art Ljubljana in 1959. He returned to Prekmurje in 1967 and became a member of the group DHLM ((L. Danč, Š. Hauko, L. Logar, F. Mesarič), which established new, modern trends there. Danč belongs to the second generation of Academy graduate artists of Prekmurje. His opus contains…
18. August, 2020

Lajos Markovics

Lajos Markovics was a Croatian parish priest, born in Felsőberkifalu in Vas County, a settlement formerly inhabited by Croatians. He was ordained a priest in Szombathely on June 16, 1935. He became a chaplain in Apátistvánfalva, where he served as parish priest until his death, and is buried there. In 1975 he became a titular…
18. August, 2020

Lajos Skrapits

He attended elementary school in his native village, was a high school student in Szombathely and graduated in mathematics and physics at the ELTE University. He was a professor in general physics at his alma mater since 1962. In his youth he wrote Hungarian poems, love poems for his later wife, and at the age…
3. March, 2020

László Kocsis

The priest-poet was born in Szőce, but spent his childhood in Rábagyarmat. He graduated from high school in Szombathely, and attended the seminary of Veszprém and Pécs. He served in various parishes as chaplain in Transdanubia. In the first half of the 1930s he was a religion teacher in the schools of Pécs, then a…
8. April, 2020

Márton Németh

Horticultural engineer Márton Németh, born in Nemesládony, was a distinguished person in the viticulture research in Pécs. His work brought him international fame. The collection of wine grape varieties created by Németh from 1952 was one of the largest and most valuable in the world. He was a committed supporter of vine breeding by clone…
20. May, 2020

Miki (Nikolaj) Muster

The illustrator, animator, sculptor and film director Miki (Nikolaj) Muster (Murska Sobota, 1925 – Ljubljana, 2018) is best known in Slovenia for his comic strip characters Zvitorepec, Trdonja and Lakotnik, whose adventures he published in the Slovenski poročevalec newspaper between 1952 and 1973. He was the author of several picture books for children, advertisements, a…
10. February, 2020

Miško Kranjec

Miško Kranjec (September 15, 1908, Velika Polana - June 8, 1983, Ljubljana), born as Mihael Kranjec, later he adopted the name Miško. After finishing high school, he studied Slavistics, dropped out (1934), working as a journalist and he wrote. After the war, he fulfilled many important cultural functions. His works belong to socialist realism. One…
19. May, 2020

Nikolaj Beer

Nikolaj Beer graduated from the Academy of Fine Art Ljubljana in 1973. Most of his artistic opus is dedicated to landscape painting of his home county and the village of Kükeč, and his figural representation is focused on Jedci (village marginals as a parables of transience). In his youth, he painted inscriptions on hearse carriages…
29. April, 2020

Ostffy Miklós

Miklós Ostffy was present at the Bishop's Election Council on June 27, 1669. He welcomed the new bishop, István Szenczi Fekete, during his church-visiting roundtrip on the August 29, 1669, in Asszonyfa. Ostffy, in 1679, gave shelter in his castle to the persecuted Protestant bishop. In 1680 the castle was completely demolished by the Imperial…
18. August, 2020

Štefan Kovač – Marko

Stefan Kovač was born on August 28, 1910 in Nedelica. Before World War II he was the leader of the Slovenian Communist Party in Prekmurje. After the Hungarian occupation of the Prekmurje in April 1941, he became the leader of the Prekmurje Resistance Movement, which was established in 1941 in Prekmurje Region and carried out…