

Middle Bronze Age (middle of the 4th century B.C.)

At the site, Pod kotom–south, an urnfield site with 179 urn burials was found, one of the larger burial sites from that era in Europe. One of the most beautiful urns was found in the grave, marked 109, which was the burial site of a child, aged about five years. The urn was decorated, using the incising technique, in the shape of wide bands. Two of them stand out as they adjoin and continue vertically along the body of the urn. The incisions of the decorations were filled with white.
Photo: Decorated urn from the archaeological site Pod kotom-south. Photo: T. Vrečič.

Information on digitization

Materials and techniques
ceramics, hand thrown
Name of site
Other settlement names
Size description
Premer ustja: 10,5 cm
Place of origin/discovery
Arheološko najdišče Pod kotom – jug pri Krogu
Specialist description
Lonec bikonične oblike, ustje manjka, dno
je ravno, rjave barve, okrašen z brazdastim vrezom, ki prekriva celotno površino, motiv sta dva vodoravno potekajoča veččrtna trakova, ki se končata v navpičnem traku oziroma z visečimi trikotniki, na nekaterih delih okrasa so vidni sledovi belega inkrustiranja, izdelava: prostoročna, sestava:
Name of institution or personage holding object; identification number of object
Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota inv. št. AI-7552
Written sources
Šavel, I. et al., 2009. Pod kotom – jug pri Krogu: Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije 7. Ljubljana: Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije.
Šavel, I., 2002. Neskončni dih: razstava o bakrenodobnem žarnem grobišču pri Krogu: publikacija k razstavi. Murska Sobota: Pokrajinski muzej.
File name
PMMS_A_065_0001. jpg
300 X 300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Ob uporabi gradiva je obvezna navedba vira (www.documenta-pannonica.si) in ustanove ali posameznika, ki hrani izvirnik.
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Samo Sankovič

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In case of using any of the materials, citation of the source (www.documenta-pannonica.eu ) and of institution or indvidual by whom the material is located is mandatory.
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