
Pomurje Health Collection – Pharmacy

late 19th century, first half of 20th century

In Beltinci Castle, the exhibition, “The Pharmacy Collection of the Pomurje Museum”, can be found. The collection contains the equipment of the former Bölcs pharmacy in Murska Sobota, from between 1892-1950, and is comprised of the furniture from the pharmacy's sales section, containers, documents, and other equipment. The equipment of the premises for the preparation of medicines, herbs and teas and the storage of furniture, tools, receptacles, pestles, scales, documents, etc., are from the former Szepessy pharmacy in Beltinci and are from between 1885 - 1946. The collection is supplemented by other pharmacy items, mostly collected in Pomurje.
Photo: Pomurje Health Collection – Pharmacy.

Information on digitization

Materials and techniques
wood, metal, ceramics, porcelain, glass
Name of site
Other settlement names
Place of origin/discovery
Murska Sobota, Beltinci, razni
Specialist description
Prva lekarna na območju Prekmurja je bila ustanovljena 1835 v Lendavi. Njen prvi znani lastnik je bil Bela Kiss. V Murski Soboti je bila prva lekarna ustanovljena 1842, vendar je po imenu prvi znani lekarnar Béla Bölcs, ki jo je prevzel 1892. Do 70-tih let 20. stol. je delovala je v historistični hiši, ki stoji na današnji Slovenski ulici. V Beltincih sta prvo lekarno 1889 ustanovila brata Remcsek, pozneje preimenovana v Szepessy. V začetku 20.stol.so se preselili v hišo, ki stoji na današnji Mladinski ulici. Od 1911 je lekarna delovala tudi pri Gradu. Vse pomurske lekarne so bile po 2. svetovni vojni podržavljene. Lekarniško opremo iz Beltincev in več drugih predmetov je muzeju daroval Nikolaj Szepessy, opremo Bölcseve lekarne pa je muzej po denacionalizaciji odkupil od lastnikov.
Name of institution or personage holding object; identification number of object
Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota Inv. št. Z-515–Z-637; Z-672–Z-718; Z-4631–Z-4658
Written sources
Fujs, M. in Szepessy, N., 2008. Zgodovina zdravstva v Pomurju: lekarništvo. Murska Sobota: Pokrajinski muzej Murska Sobota.
File name
PMMS_005_A_0001 .jpg; PMMS_005_A_0002 .jpg
300 X 300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Ob uporabi gradiva je obvezna navedba vira (www.documenta-pannonica.si) in ustanove ali posameznika, ki hrani izvirnik.
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Metka Fujs

Photo gallery

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