
Chest with tulip motifs from Szalafő

chest with tulip motifs


Painted “tulip chest”. The front is decorated with a flower wreath with red and white flowers. The year 1844 is painted in the middle. Above the wreath there is an “An” and a “G” and underneath is “Mákos Gellértné”. Mrs. Sándor Tamaskó’s (b. 1905) grandmother married in 1880 and went from Őrihodos to Szalafő. She kept her clothes in this chest. After her death the chest was moved to the attic and in 1966 was given to the Savaria Museum. Originally the “láda” (chest) word was introduced in Hungary by this type of chests made by joiners. (It is of German origin: Lade). Originally it was a trousseau furniture. Therefore it was also called the bridal chest or, due to its decoration, tulip chest.

Information on digitization

Materials and techniques
wooden, painted
Name of site
Other settlement names
Szalafei, Szalafej, Szalafy, Salafej
Dimensions of the object (H/W/D)
105,4 cm / 59,5 cm / 43 cm
Labels and indication marks
“An”, “G”, “Mákos Gellértné”
Place of origin/discovery
Őrihodos (ma: Hodoš Szlovéniában)
Specialist description
Puhafából készűlt festett láda, szögekkel összeillesztve. Elején zöld alapon szimetrikusan elhelyezett keretekben fehér virágminta levelekkel. A két virágminta körül koszorú van piros és fehér virágokkal. A virágkoszorú közepén 1844-es évszám. A koszorú felett “An” és “G” felirat, alatta pedig “Mákos Gellértné”.
Name of institution or personage holding object; identification number of object
Savaria Múzeum 66.53.1
Written sources
Vas megye népművészete. Szombathely, 1996, 96, X/150.
Web page
https://library.hungaricana.hu/en/view/MEGY_VASM_Sk_1996_Vasmegyenepmuveszete/?pg=0&layout=s (Letöltés ideje: 2019.02.25.)
File name
SM_112_A_0001.jpg; SM_112_A_0002.jpg
300 dpi; 300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Mukicsné Kozár Mária

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