
Bronze collar

Urnfield culture (900 B.C.)

The bronze casted collar was discovered by chance in 1959 as a single find while digging holes for fruit trees in Pertoča. It is dated to the end of the Bronze Age, at the time of late Urnfield culture, named after the predominant burial mode – cremation burials. The collar is shaped like a crescent moon ending in terminals. It is decorated with shallow, diagonal grooves.

Information on digitization

Materials and techniques
bronze, casting
Name of site
Other settlement names
Size description
Premer: 18 cm
Place of origin/discovery
Pertoča, Kuharjev breg, Pertoča 62
Specialist description
Bronasta vlita ovratnica je bila odkrita naključno kot posamična najdba ob kopanju jam za sadno drevje leta 1959 na Pertoči. Časovno jo umeščamo na sam konec bronaste dobe, v čas pozne kulture žarnih grobišč.
Ovratnica ima okrogel presek in nesklenjena konca, ki sta stanjšana. Okrašena je s plitvimi, drobnimi prečnimi žlebiči.
Name of institution or personage holding object; identification number of object
Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota inv. št. AI-1611
Written sources
Šavel, I., 1997. O času, ki se mu pravi prazgodovina. V: Katalog stalne razstave. Murska Sobota: Pokrajinski muzej. Str. 345–346.
File name
300 X 300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Ob uporabi gradiva je obvezna navedba vira (www.documenta-pannonica.si) in ustanove ali posameznika, ki hrani izvirnik.
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Samo Sankovič

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