Built Cultural Heritage

Rakičan Castle

lay architecture

Lendavska ulica 28, Rakičan

15. century

The settlement was first mentioned in written sources in 1322 as Rekythe. Along the road or settlement there was a fortress in the Middle Ages, as a 1431 record testifies. The castle was constantly strengthened as it was an important defense point. The castle was fortified again during the Batthyány era, especially in the first half of the 17th century. At the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, the fortress of Rakičan became increasingly Baroque. Between the two World Wars the castle was owned by the German Wallsee Count’s family.

Information on digitization

Name of site
Other settlement names
Identification number of unit
Lendavska ulica 28, Rakičan
Persons or organizations tied to history of unit of built cultural tradition
RIS Dvorec Rakičan
Protection status of unit
Spomenik lokalnega pomena
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine – enota Maribor
Specialist description
V pisnih virih se kraj prvič omenja 1322 kot Rekythe. Ob cesti oz. naselju je že v srednjem veku stala utrjena postojanka, o čemer priča zapis iz leta 1431 castellanis et jabagionibus ad quasdam duas possessiones vtrasque rekethye vocatas.
Grad so kot pomembno obrambno točko nenehno utrjevali. V času Batthyányjev, še zlasti v prvi polovici 17. stoletja, so grad dodatno utrdili. Značaj rakičanskega gradu je bil vse do konca turške nevarnosti, ob izteku 17. stoletja, predvsem namenjen obrambi pred Turki. Ob koncu 17. in v začetku 18. stoletja je rakičanski grad dobival baročno podobo. Temeljite prezidave so gradu dale videz podeželskega baročnega dvorca, ki je veljal kot upravni in gospodarski sedež zemljiške posesti. Med obema vojnama pa je bil dvorec v lasti nemške grofovske družine Wallsee.
File name
300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Brez omejitev
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Tadeja Andrejek

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