Built Cultural Heritage

Multi-period archeological site near Pod Grunti Pince




The site is located on a flat area on a barely noticeable terrace, south of the Pince village, at the foot of Lendava Mountain. On the eastern side it extends to the Hungarian state border, in the west it is bordered by the Kis Creek. The site was discovered in 2004 and 2005 during the surveys for the Lendava - Pince highway section. Prior excavations in 2005 and 2007 included a surface excavation on an area of 81,000 m². Copper Age, Middle and Late Bronze Age, Antique and Medieval multi-period settlements were found. Most of the investigated structures, out of a total of 2370, covering about 8,700 m², are from the Middle and Late Bronze Age settlements.

Information on digitization

Name of site
Identification number of unit
Persons or organizations tied to history of unit of built cultural tradition
Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota
Protection status of unit
Spomenik lokalnega pomena
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine – enota Maribor
File name
300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Brez omejitev
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Tadeja Andrejek

Photo gallery

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