Built Cultural Heritage

Lutheran church in Murska Sobota

sacred architecture

Slovenska ulica 17, 9000 Murska Sobota


Murska Sobota’s Lutheran parish is one of the young parishes. Originally belonged to the Puconci parish, and it became an independent parish in 1900. The church was built in neo-Gothic style in 1910 by the Budapest-based architect Jenő Gerely, and in 2010 it was named after Martin Luther. The colorful rosette above the altar shows a picture of Luther. The wooden altar was made in Radkersburg. The altarpiece is the work of Jenő Bory. The organ is manual, pneumatic, made in 1911 with 21 registers. Today it is the largest Lutheran parish in the Republic of Slovenia.

Information on digitization

Name of site
Murska Sobota
Other settlement names
Muraszombat, Sobota
Identification number of unit
Slovenska ulica 17, 9000 Murska Sobota
Persons or organizations tied to history of unit of built cultural tradition
Evangeličanska cerkev Murska Sobota
Protection status of unit
Spomenik lokalnega pomena
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine – enota Maribor
Web page
File name
300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Brez omejitev
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Tadeja Andrejek

Photo gallery

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