
Grave goods (funerary objects) from Celtic cremation grave

Celtic tomb

End of the 2nd and beginning of the 1st century B.C.

At the site, Pod kotom–sever, the cremation grave of a Celtic warrior was discovered in 2001. The remains of the grave were found at 0.35 m deep, visible as a compressed, scorched bundle of pieces of iron, ceramics, bones and charcoal. The top was damaged by ploughing, the fragments of pottery were sprawled around. Lying on top of the cremated bones of the deceased were grave goods: a twisted iron sword and scabbard with a decoration in the shape of an 'S', an iron spear point, an iron shield bearing a coat of arms, an iron wristband with smaller iron bands, whetstones, iron scissors, three bowls and two pots. The goods are typical inventory for a male cremation grave of that time.

Information on digitization

Materials and techniques
ceramic, metal
Name of site
Other settlement names
Place of origin/discovery
Arheološko najdišče Pod kotom – sever pri Krogu
Specialist description
Žgani grob keltskega bojevnika je bil odkrit pri strojnem izkopu v profilu jarka SE 101 kot stisnjena ožgana koncentracija kosov železa in odlomkov keramike, velikosti 0,48 × 0,16 m. Grobna jama ni bila zapažena, saj je zgornji del groba poškodovalo oranje. Velikost ohranjenega groba je znašala 0,55 × 0,40 m. Grobno gmoto z veliko kosti je na eni strani obdajal zvit poškodovan meč. Sredina groba je bila zapolnjena z delno ohranjenimi keramičnimi posodami, vidno je bilo rezilo škarij. Po konservatorskem postopku so grobne pridatke sestavljali: železen zvit meč in nožnica z okrasom dvojnega »S«, železna sulična ost, železna ščitna grba, železna zapestnica z več manjšimi železnimi obročki, kamnita brusa, železne škarje, tri sklede in dva lonca. Grobni pridatki so značilen inventar žganih moških grobov poznolatenskega horizonta Lt D1 oz. konca 2. stol. in začetka 1. stol. pr. n. št.
Name of institution or personage holding object; identification number of object
Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota inv. št. AII-8336 – AII-8346
Written sources
Kerman, B., 2009. Celtic warrior's grave from the site of Pod Kotom-north near Murska Sobota. V: Tiefengraber, G., Kavur, B. in Gaspari, A. (ur.). Keltske študije II = Studies in Celtic Archaeology: papers in honour of Mitja Guštin. Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil. Str. 283-298.

Kerman, B., 2016. Kelti so tüdi tü: sledovi keltske poselitve v Prekmurju = traces of Celtic settlement in the Prekmurje region. Murska Sobota: Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota.
File name
300 X 300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Ob uporabi gradiva je obvezna navedba vira (www.documenta-pannonica.si) in ustanove ali posameznika, ki hrani izvirnik.
Date of documentation
Person documenting
dr. Branko Kerman

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