Built Cultural Heritage

The Church of the Holy Trinity, Odranci

sacred architecture

Trg Lojzeta Kozarja 2, Odranci


The independent parish was established on October 1, 1944. In the spring of 1946, Janez Valentinčič was entrusted with the design of the church, and the congregation decided to build an octagonal church.
The plans for the church were drawn up by Plečnik's pupil Valentinčič in 1946, but the building could only be started in 1964. In 1966, the dome collapsed and claimed the lives of 8 people, who are remembered with columns inside the church, named after the victims. Stane Kregar painted frescoes (220m²) in the church between 1968 - 1972. The final form of the building was finished in 2004, when the belfries at the front the building were built in accordance with the plans of the architect.

Information on digitization

Name of site
Other settlement names
Adorjánfalva, Adriáncz
Main building material
reinforced concrete
Identification number of unit
EŠD 3208
Trg Lojzeta Kozarja 2, Odranci
Persons or organizations tied to history of unit of built cultural tradition
Janez Valentinčič, arhitekt
Protection status of unit
Enota je zavedena kot spomenik pri ZVKDS.
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije – OE Maribor
Specialist description
Najstarejša omemba vasi Odranci je iz leta 1322. Odranci so najprej spadali v pražupnijo Turnišče. Leta 1759 je bila ustanovljena nova župnija v Beltincih, h kateri so spadali tudi Odranci. 1. oktobra 1944 je bila ustanovljena samostojna župnija. Spomladi 1946 so za cerkev naročili načrte pri Janezu Valentinčiču in verniki so se odločili za osmerokotno cerkev. Cerkev je bila zgrajena in blagoslovljena po dolgih letih 5. julija 1967, 17. aprila 1977 pa so jo posvetili Sveti trojici. Cerkev ima od slikarja in kiparja Franceta Kralja dve umetnini: kip Brezmadežne in podobo vstalega Zveličarja. Veliko bogastvo predstavljajo freske, nastale izpod rok akademskega slikarja Staneta Kregarja.
File name
300 x 300 dpi
Restrictions on use
Ob uporabi gradiva je obvezna navedba vira (www.documenta-pannonica.si) in ustanove ali posameznika, ki hrani izvirnik.
Date of documentation
Person documenting
Tamara Andrejek

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